(if you are viewing this via email, the website has a recording of this poem and commentary; click the title above)

The other day, I was reading an article by a respected theologian. Whatever the topic was (I forget), I stopped reading when I got to a paragraph that began, “Let me explain glory….”
Why did I stop reading? I respect that author so much that I assume he’s close to understanding something I very much wish to understand. But here’s the deal: I wish to chew on this topic, not swallow it whole; to squeeze the oranges, not just drink orange juice; to assemble a jigsaw puzzle, not just admire its finished scene.
It’s in the COMING TO UNDERSTAND that I’ll be changed.
Here’s a closely-related poem: Through Clouds.
(background image based on an original by Nina Edmondson on Pixabay)
#nowisthesonofmanglorified #john13v31 #judasandjesus