Crippled By Arrogance

In a desperate attempt to understand Romans, I began listening to a series of sermons on the book by one of last century’s premier expositors. The preacher has obvious intellectual and oratorical power. But as I listen to him, I’m reminded of an arrogant edge in his self-references and humor. That includes some misogyny that I probably would not have noticed when I was younger.

In his introduction to the book, he makes a little joke. Let me summarize…. The letter was delivered to Rome from Paul by Phoebe. She traveled by the only ship that absolutely could not sink. But when she got to Rome, they had trouble finding the letter in her purse.

Ha ha. It’s clever. My wife even suggests that there’s some truth in it. But when that’s all the expositor has to say about Phoebe, he is missing an opportunity to instruct his brothers and to inspire sisters, wives, and daughters — co-heirs of the grace of God. The preacher’s message is crippled by arrogance.

[Writing or saying things like the above occasionally earns me a boorish “Just shut up!” Hit dogs will holler.]

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