The title of this post came to me recently when I was visiting with a family who have a toddler. I heard someone say, “[So-and-so] needs changing.” While they were referring to the toddler, it could have been me. We all need changing–for the better.
An old friend told me recently that he’d like to hear more about one particular change: my growth away from the racism I recognized in myself in my late 50s.
A relative said he’d like to continue a conversation about our changing perspective on the world around us.
So–for my friend, and my relative, and anyone else who is interested–I put together a list of poems and commentaries that open a window on some of the most significant changes in my life over the last several years.
At the bottom of each poetry/commentary post is a link to the previous or next post in the list. It looks like this:

*** Let’s Be Honest Astronauts 6/11/2024
*** On The Ridge 9/15/2024
*** Recall The Future 11/11/2024
*** Flying Buttresses 11/30/2022
Culture Wars 6/6/2023
Homeschool Poverty 8/8/2023
Pre-Positions 4/4/2024
My Hobby Horse 3/26/2022 (and for a chuckle, check the video version)
Please All-Powerful God 12/12/2020
Daughters of Rebellion 9/8/2021
Reductionist 5/4/2024
The Rusty Pail 2/18/2024
Pleasant Sadness 2/26/2022 (*DO read all the way through the last paragraph)
In Time Out of Mind 11/28/2020
Matters More and Less 2/28/2021
Bitter End 9/29/2023
American Artemis 4/5/2024
Song of the God-Danglers (weird) 1/29/2024
When Every Hill’s a Place to Die 11/25/2021
Hatred, the Squatter 10/8/2021
The Most Important War 12/20/2020
Was Love Not Enough 7/23/2020