Entertaining Possibilities

(if you are viewing this via email, the website has a recording of this poem and commentary; click the title above)



Terrible and terrific conversations are both so notable to me that my mind stores them with a seemingly unimportant fact: precisely WHERE those conversations took place.*

I was standing over there when the young lady shut down brainstorming by proclaiming, “That is impossible!”**

I was sitting at my desk when the young man ended all exploration with his boast, “I have studied computers, so I can confidently say you are wrong.”***

The old professor and I were both sitting in recliners in his den when he allowed, “I hadn’t thought about that interpretation of the poem we’re discussing; let’s see what additional support we can find for your idea….”

What is it about PLACE that attaches to the memory of hospitable—and inhospitable—conversations?


*I previously explored this in discussing my poem, “Outcropping of Hospitality”: https://www.bhepp.us/2021/07/outcropping-of-hospitality/

** I was speculating about if and when translation software will be able to do contemporaneous translation of sign language.

*** I was pondering whether fax sending numbers are inherently identified to the fax receiver; my default position was “Surely they are.”

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