Suddenly Unpooped After a long hike, including some bushwhacking, Josh was pooped…until he found this iPod Shuffle by the road.
La Plata Peak (14,336′) La Plata Peak (14,336′) 9-19-2016 with Darol, Dave, and Pete. Great views, great weather, great friends. Must get stronger for next year’s climb!
I’ll be fine. Susan by phone: Is the power back on? Want me to bring you some coffee? Brad: No, but I’ll be fine.
Invincible Lodge Finally finished edits on commercial shots taken on my working vacation. All posted on Virtual Tour at
Rascal and the kitchen remodel. Rascal is pretty happy with the lack of progress on our kitchen remodel.
Hairpin turn on Fall River Road Hairpin turn on Fall River Road where Rainbow Road heads up to Invincible Lodge.
Morning Glory considers her options. Having reached the end of her twine, Morning Glory considers her options.
The Amazing Sensitive Brier The amazing Sensitive Brier. Some day I’ll post a video of its namesake leaves in action.
Kinkade-esque Kinkade-esque treatment of the Thompson’s Forney house. It’s for sale. Wish I could live out there!
Hubcap of Ice Skated my way through two hours of pre-dawn ice on the road home from San Antonio today.
Bubbles in the Fountain At the zoo. We saw the giraffes and started shooting textures. These are bubbles in the Elephants Fountain. Shot with son, Jonathan.